Traditional Dental Braces and Clear Aligners Brisbane

Smile Time Family Dental provides dental braces to align teeth. Our dental braces and transparent aligners cater to kids, teens and adults. Furthermore, we also provide standard metal, ceramic brackets, or clear aligner braces.

If you’re looking for a local dentist to align your teeth, our cosmetic dentists can assist you with your treatment plan.

The results of standard metallic braces are, on average, faster and more effective than ‘Clear Removable Braces’ due to the solid build structure. Along with the constant pressure applied by metallic braces, this enables quicker results.

Clear Aligners are recommended for minor misalignment cases. Therefore, removable aligners are subject to eligibility.

Upon appointment, our teeth alignment specialists can recommend the most effective and suitable option specific to you.

Book a first free braces consultation for a quote

Clear Invisible Braces

Our clear teeth alignment braces are ideal for patients that are looking to straighten their smile discreetly. Invisible braces allow patients to work, eat, and participate in social events without having to be self conscious of how their smile may appear.

Benefits of Removable Braces

  • Appearance: As they are made of clear plastic, invisible braces are less noticeable.
  • Eating: Because can be removed while eating, your diet and what you consume is not effected.
  • Hygiene: Since these braces can be removed during brushing, patients are able to brush and floss their teeth as normal.
  • Fewer appointments: Due to a decreased amount of potential problems that may arise when compared to standard braces, fewer dental appointments are required.
  • Comfort: Usually aligners, are more comfortable to wear as they’re smaller/thinner than the construct of standard braces. Since they are built of a slick, smooth plastic, there is often less irritation to the teeth and gums.
Get a Free first consult for clear aligners

Metal Dental Braces

Metal Braces are the most secure and effective orthodontic treatment. Consisting of metal clear or tooth coloured brackets, they are highly effective due to their stronger construct and constant application to move teeth to their desired position. Metal braces, which can be referred to as ceramic braces, also assist in fixing bite problems. Components of standard braces include, the brackets, bands, wires, ligatures, and elastics.

Traditional braces can attend to:

  • Misalignment
  • Gaps
  • Overcrowding
  • Protruding teeth
  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crossbites

Benefits of Ceramic Braces

  • Treatment Time: With their ability to apply constant pressure to align your teeth, this can help to shorten treatment time by several months.
  • Eligibility: Braces can treat all alignment problems, particularly severe cases that invisible braces are unable to treat.
  • Compliance: As metal braces are temporarily fixed to your teeth, they cannot be removed. Therefore, patients are obligated to comply with the recommended treatment and are not likely to lose or forget to wear them when compared to removable clear aligners.
  • Durability: As a result from being built from a combination of titanium steel, metal braces are often more durable and sustainable for the duration of the treatment. Although, it is warned to avoid hard foods, such as nuts, hard fruit or vegetables, lollies, etc. Removable braces may snap or can be lost by the patient.
Get a Free first appointment for metal braces

How long do I need to wear braces?

The duration for dental braces vary between patient to patient. On average, braces may take between 12-24 patients. For minor cases, metallic braces can be applied for less than 12 months. In contrast, for severe cases, some patients can take up to 3 years for adequate alignment.

How much do braces cost?

The investment in braces may vary depending on the advised duration/length of time required for the desired alignment. Because of differing times, the number of consultations and other additional treatments that may be recommended during this period will also vary.

Traditional Braces cost approximately $6,500* for top and lower braces, and a single row costs approximately $3,000*. It is best to consult with our cosmetic dentist for an accurate treatment plan that will enable us to provide an accurate quote for what is best for your teeth. Often, top and bottom braces are recommended to correct bite alignment issues.

The investment of braces is also paid off over a phase period after the initial deposit.

*Prices may vary between patients depending upon the duration of treatment and their requirements. Additional treatment may be required to achieve optimal results. The dentist will inform this in a recommended treatment plan provided after the initial consultation.

Are there different options to braces?

Upon patients request we can apply varying types of braces. These include standard metal braces, and clear bracket braces. Clear brackets provide a less obvious look since the brackets that apply pressure on the teeth are of clear material. On the other hand, metal braces are stronger and more robust since they’re made from stainless steel.

If applicable to the patient and upon request our cosmetic dentist can also recommend and provide Invisalign removable braces.

Do I need a retainer after braces?

Lastly, it is recommended for all patients to follow an orthodontists advice regarding care of braces during and regular application of orthodontic appliances after braces once they have been removed.

This helps to ensure the longevity of teeth alignment and bite from treatment. As a result from bone memory, there are circumstances where teeth may move naturally if unattended. Therefore it is recommended to follow dentist instructions of either fixed or removal retainers after your standard orthodontic treatment.

Broken Retainer

If either your fixed or removable retainer break it is best to consult your nearest dentist for replacement. Glue from fixed retainers can also loosen. Under those circumstances it is best to again seek your nearest dentist for re-application as soon as possible.

At what age should my child get braces for their teeth?

According to the Australian Society of Orthodontists, the most suitable time for a child to visit a dentist for braces is at least 8-10 years of age. Although currently, there is no specified ruling regarding this since the growth between everybody differs. The reason why braces are not recommended to children below this age is because kids younger than this may still have their primary teeth (baby/milk teeth).

If your child is experiencing an overbite, overcrowding or underbite, it is recommended to visit a dentist as early intervention can benefit with your child’s oral growth into adult hood. Seeking earlier treatment, if you believe could be required, may assist in avoiding unnecessary issues in the future.

Dental treatment methods such as orthopaedic plates (orthodontic appliances), or extractions can help with your child’s growth now and into the future. Delaying and performing such dental treatments later could potentially cost more due to advanced complications or may require longer treatment times. Early interventions in young children generally relate towards jaw alignment, and creating space for permanent teeth.

For aesthetic improvements, usually it is advised to wait until your child’s permanent teeth are well established prior to alignment treatment begins.

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